Weekly Update - 22 February 2024
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body, new creation, salvation, sin carnal, soul, spiritPlease log in or register to view this material.
body, new creation, salvation, sin carnal, soul, spiritWhen you become a Christian, your spirit is renewed and made perfect forever – you become a new creation. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at http://leadinglightsnetwork.com/tv.
3partsofman, body, new creation, salvation, sin carnal, soul, spiritSet your mind on spiritual things through the Word of God, worship and prayer. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at http://leadinglightsnetwork.com/tv.
3partsofman, body, carnal, flesh, new creation, new man, Old Man, romans 7, romans 8, soul, spiritPlease log in or register to view this material.
3partsofman, body, Inward Man, new creation, Outward Man, salvation, sin carnal, soul, spiritPlease log in or register to view this material.
baptise, baptism, baptize, buried, crucified, crucify, died, Easter, ephesians 1, new creation, new man, resurrection, sinThrough baptism, we identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus and we are raised out of the waters as a new creation. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at http://leadinglightsnetwork.com/tv.
baptise, baptism, baptize, buried, crucified, crucify, died, Easter, ephesians 1, new creation, new man, resurrection, sinPlease log in or register to view this material.
end times, eternity, heaven, new creation, New Jerusalem, revelationHeaven and eternity are already within those who are in Christ. The whole series of talks, along with notes and diagrams, can be accessed at https://leadinglightsnetwork.com/revelation. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at http://leadinglightsnetwork.com/tv.
end times, eternity, heaven, new creation, New Jerusalem, revelationPlease log in or register to view this material.
Exodus 34, forgiveness, freedom, grace, heaven, inheritance, justice, mercy, new creation, Revelation 21, truthPlease log in or register to view this material.
Exodus 34, forgiveness, freedom, grace, heaven, inheritance, justice, mercy, new creation, Revelation 21, truthWhat are the traits and characteristics of the Kingdom of God and the King? Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at http://leadinglightsnetwork.com/tv.
Exodus 34, forgiveness, freedom, grace, heaven, inheritance, justice, mercy, new creation, Revelation 21, truth