3 Parts of Man - Part 2
Set your mind on spiritual things through the Word of God, worship and prayer. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at
3partsofman, body, carnal, flesh, new creation, new man, Old Man, romans 7, romans 8, soul, spiritSmall Groups Video - 6 Weeks of Body, Soul, Spirit - Session 2
Weekly Update -18 May 2023
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authority, body, ephesians 1, ephesians 2, eternity, flesh, heaven, kingdom of God, power, soul, spiritRaised with Christ 6: Heaven
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authority, body, ephesians 1, ephesians 2, eternity, flesh, heaven, kingdom of God, power, soul, spiritWeekly Update - 01 June 2022
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1 Corinthians 3, 1 John 3, carnal man, flesh, fruit, lawless, natural man, righteousness, romans 7, sin, spirit, spiritual manGrowing Up - Righteous Behaviour
A mature Christian allows the righteousness and power of the Holy Spirit to dominate their life. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at
1 Corinthians 3, 1 John 3, carnal man, flesh, fruit, lawless, natural man, righteousness, romans 7, sin, spirit, spiritual manGrowing Up - Righteous Behaviour
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1 Corinthians 3, 1 John 3, carnal man, flesh, fruit, lawless, natural man, righteousness, romans 7, sin, spirit, spiritual manWeekly Update - 23 September 2021
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believe, born again, faith, flesh, Galatians 3, Hebrews 1, John 3, Nicodemus, sin, spirit, spiritual birth, worksNot of This World
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believe, born again, faith, flesh, Galatians 3, Hebrews 1, John 3, Nicodemus, sin, spirit, spiritual birth, worksNot of This World
Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God – it is a spiritual Kingdom of faith. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at
believe, born again, faith, flesh, Galatians 3, Hebrews 1, John 3, Nicodemus, sin, spirit, spiritual birth, worksRighteousness in Romans
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born again, flesh, grow, mature, maturity, moving to maturity, righteousness, romans, sin, worksFruit of the Spirit -Part 3
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flesh, fruit, fruit of the spirit, kingdom of God, spirit, worksThe Resurrected Jesus
Free Indeed! [7] The Flesh vs The Spirit
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bible school, discipline, flesh, free indeed, freedom, spirit