27 March
in Updates from Gregg
03 May
in TV
The Father's Promise
God’s powerful and beautiful promise of the Holy Spirit is for you and me today. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at http://leadinglightsnetwork.com/tv.
Acts 1, acts 2, baptise, baptism, fire, gift, holy spirit, Joel 2, pentecost, prophesy, tongues
03 May
in Sermons
The Father's Promise
DNA - Holy Spirit Reliant - Part 2
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1 corinthians 12, 1 corinthians 14, gifts, holy spirit, love, prophecy, prophesy, supernatural, tongues, wisdom
24 August
in Empowered, Sermons, The power of the Spirit
Empowered - Part 3
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gifts, holy spirit, interpretation, prophecy, prophesy, tongues