In His Name 2 - AUTHORITY
We have been given authority in Jesus’ Name to do great things for the Kingdom. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at
anointed, authority, delegated, faith, healing, holy spirit, inhisname, miracles, power, represent, sealedAmazing Jesus
Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus
Those Early Days - Pinnacle
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acts 18, Acts 19, acts 20, all involved, early church, ephesus, Great commission, hall of Tyrannus, house church, kingdom of God, ministry, miracles, Paul, small groupsThose Early Days - Pinnacle
The Great Commission involves all Christians – ordinary people – learning and being equipped to go out and spread the Gospel. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at
acts 18, Acts 19, acts 20, all involved, early church, ephesus, Great commission, hall of Tyrannus, house church, kingdom of God, ministry, miracles, Paul, small groupsUpdate- 20 May 2021
Those Early Days - Prison
Persecutions will come, but we should have the boldness to obey God above man. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at
acts 4, authority, boldness, Daniel 3, holy spirit, martyr, miracles, obedience, obey, persecution, witnessThose Early Days - Prison
Update- 29 April 2021
Those Early Days - People and Power
Those Early Days - People and Power
Those Early Days - Preparation
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Acts 1, early church, Great commission, healing, holy spirit, miracles, Paul, power, salvationThose Early Days - Preparation
The Holy Spirit’s power that was available to the early Church is available to us today. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at
Acts 1, early church, Great commission, healing, holy spirit, miracles, Paul, power, salvationThe Rod of God - Part 2
The Rod of God - Part 1
The shepherd’s staff that Moses used was a powerful tool given to him by God. You also have a rod to use for God’s purposes. Watch this episode from our weekly TV broadcast on TBN-UK. Catch up on previous episodes at
Aaron, desert, Egypt, Israelites, miracles, Moses, rod, staffThe Ministry of an Evangelist Part 3
The Ministry of an Evangelist - Part 2
The Ministry of an Evangelist - Part 1
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evangelism, Great commission, healing, miracles, witnessHealing Testimonies
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evangelism, healing, holy spirit, miracles, testimonyIrrefutable Facts of the Gospel
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heaven, jesus, miracles, name of Jesus, prayer, resurrection, salvationEmpowered - Part 1
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1 corinthians 12, gifts, holy spirit, miracles, powerLife groups [5] - Activating the Gifts (Part 2)
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body, cell, healing, holy spirit, miracles, small groupLife groups [4] - Activating the Gifts (Part 1)
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cell, gifts, healing, holy spirit, miracles, small groupACTS Session 6
Gifts of the Spirit
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1 Corinthians, body, church, discernment, gifts, holy spirit, interpretation, miracles, prophecy, tongues