circle_1 Click on one of the videos below. It will start playing in the main pane at the top of the screen. Click on the sub-titles icon on the video to turn subtitles on.
circle_1 Click on the settings icon, and then, by clicking on the subtitles option, you will be able to translate the subtitles into any language you choose.
circle_1 Watch the video, taking notes if you need to, so that you will be able to tell the story and to ask the discussion questions to a group of friends.
circle_1 Gather some friends, tell the story, and allow discussion and questions. Pray with people who need prayer at the end of the meeting and try to help them grow in their relationship with God.
circle_1 At the end of the discussion suggest that some of the people gather some friends, tell the story to others, and start new groups.


Let us know how you are doing, how we can pray for you, and ask us any questions you may have. We would love to stay in touch with you and help you in every way we can.



“Go and make disciples of all people, baptising and teaching them, and I am with you to the very end”



Making the Gospel accessible and making Church Planting possible – for all languages.

 We have created videos of Bible Stories and, using Youtube’s translation and “Closed Caption” functions, these can be understood by people of almost every language group.

The stories are simple and they contain all the elements of the Gospel, as well as tools that will help people to start Churches in their homes.

We want to see many Churches started in homes around the world!

God bless you as you become a part of Jesus’ Great Commission…Matthew 28:19,20…

“Go and make disciples of all people, baptising and teaching them, and I am with you to the very end”

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