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A Modern Romance
God’s dealings with mankind are most beautifully described as a romance. Learn about the Biblical pictures of marriage and their significance today.
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A Modern Romance - Part 1
22 November 2018Gregg Donaldson
God loves you so much that He paid a high price for you. What is your response to Him?
Course Playlist
A Modern Romance - Part 1
BY Gregg Donaldson
22 November 2018
God loves you so much that He paid a high price for you. What is your response to Him?
A Modern Romance - Part 2
BY Gregg Donaldson
29 November 2018
Covenant is important and powerful. We need to discover the significance of covenant relationships and marriage.
A Modern Romance - Part 4
BY Gregg Donaldson
13 December 2018
What does it mean to be the BRIDE of Christ?
A Modern Romance - Part 3
BY James Matheson
13 December 2018
Keeping love alive. Sometimes we need a reminder of the love that we first had for Jesus when we first came to know Him. We need to keep love alive in our relationship with Jesus and our relationships with others.