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A Giant of Faith
Abraham is a huge figure in world history, and the father of faith for millions of people. Learn how you can have faith like Abraham in this exciting series.
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The Promise - Part 3
24 May 2016Gregg Donaldson
The disciples knew the reason that they had been given the power of the Holy Spirit - so that they could be witnesses. We have a message, a miracle and a manner to share with the world.
Course Playlist
Heirs of the Promise
BY Gregg Donaldson
09 August 2019
Learn from Abraham's example as a "giant of faith" - despite his weaknesses.
Being Strengthened in Faith
BY Gregg Donaldson
20 August 2019
If we step into a place of disobedience and live outside of God's plan, we open ourselves up to harm and danger.
The House that Abraham Built
BY Gregg Donaldson
22 August 2019
Abraham did not build anything physical - he built a strong household and family. What are you building?
Obstacles to Giant-Faith
BY James Matheson
28 August 2019
Abraham had to overcome several obstacles in order to be the giant of faith that we know him to be. You can overcome those obstacles too.
Abraham saw Jesus
BY Gregg Donaldson
05 September 2019
Abraham saw Jesus' day and his experience impacted his life and family. We can see Jesus' day in a similar way.